You've heard the quote "if you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything" (I'm not attributing to a specific person because my search results were all over the place). No doubt whoever expressed the sentiment had loftier topics in mind than personal style - but here we are.
Fall is peak time for style, fashion, countless emails from brands, and an incomprehensible number of social media voices (mine included) with "thoughts" on what you should be wearing. Although the volume of information feels infinite (and loud if you aren't watching on mute), the fact is each of us are limited in what we can actually wear and purchase for the season.
To avoid overbuying and feeling like you need to purchase everything that looks pretty (and let's be honest, everything looks appealing on social media), you have to decide what you stand for style-wise. This can mean different things for you during different seasons of life, but you have to stick to your guns to make it work.
This year, before you start making seasonal purchases, make a conscious decision about how you want to direct your wardrobe efforts. Whether you're focused on filling wardrobe gaps, sticking to your budget, incorporating fresh shapes in quality fabrics, or your Style Cornerstones™, i.e. the colors, shapes, and aesthetics that feel authentic to you - don't deviate. You'll be satisfied with the results of your wardrobe building efforts and avoid the regret (and overfull closet) that comes with falling for anything.